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How do I convert a group of images in Ultra File Opener?
Posted by CompuClever Support Team on 26 April 2013 02:41 PM
To convert a group of files you first need to have them all in the same folder on your hard drive. Once the files are all stored in the same folder you then need create a folder to save the new files in, then do the following: 2) Open an image file 3) Click "Convert" (this is on the tool bar across the top of the application) 4) Click "Batch Convert File Format" 5) Select the folder where the images are currently stored 6) Select the folder where you want the converted images to be stored 7) Select the conversion options (these include if you want sub-folders to be converted or not, the output format and how to handle any issues with similar names) 8) Click "Start Convert" 9) When the process completes click "Finish" | |